Welcome back to Septhis

This page is about the characters that should have been living in a city called Septhis. Please use the navigation on-screen.

A key part of the world building is the existence of spirits. They can look like real animals, slightly not actually possible versions of them, or whatever else they desire. Some make an attempt to look living, while some prefer to never show themselves. When someone experiences a break in their life, a small splintering crack that spirals out into a host of alternative paths they could follow, the spirits feed on them. The more alternative experiences there are, the better they feel. The reasoning behind why they enjoy seeing people's lives become more and more complex to traverse depends on the spirit. Some find it entertaining, while some enjoy being able to change events, control which path the person experiences. Some spirits become tied to a particular person across these alternative lives, causing the host to gain what could be thought of as a power. These skills or abilities one gains are rarely genuinely beneficial. They always come with a side affect. These characters are a source of catharsis for myself at their most pure form. An extension of myself at their second.

Some things to keep in mind: These characters and their pages contain references to struggles with mental illness, the ending of one's life, grief, childhood events that stick with you, not ideal relationship with their own existence or the existence of the world and people in it, connections to others that follow us, body horror, blood/gore, eyestrain, and flickering/flashing lights. Trust yourself.