This page is about my characters, from a fictional city called Septhis. Please use the navigation on-screen.
Septhis is a city that has no exposure outside of itself and a few regions that it choses not to consider part of itself, despite them being under the city's juristiction. Along each of its boarders is a sheet of ice, ice that threatens to melt at any point. The water used by citizens is limited slightly, where all of it is sourced from the main canal that passes through the city. There is a semi-uninhabited region of the 'city' (this is one of those afformentioned regions), that is made up of half or poorly constructed buildings. They seem eerily as if they were made by people suffering from an experience that made them view the world differently. Huh.
Some things to keep in mind: These characters and their pages contain references to struggles with mental illness, grief, childhood events that stick with you, and, generally, not ideal relationship with their own existence or the existence of the world and people in it. Trust yourself.